A rather amusing experience I had some years ago.
There was a disfellowshipped person diligently trying to make the attempt to get reinstated. So being, the person's meeting attendance was consistent. Yes, the congregation members shunned the person....all except two gentlemen in particular. One was a unbelieving mate of a sister who always was at the Sunday meeting since he was off on the weekends. The other was a long time Bible study who regularly attended the meetings.
Well, these two would always converse with the one disfellowshipped. I remember them making it known that it was ridiculous to do so AND that they weren't JW's themselves, so nobody should try to convince them otherwise. Needless to say, the elders didn't make a big deal about it. I think that is one of the first steps that probably changed my congregation at that time to shift into the liberal mode (very rare in the JW realm).
I was eight or nine years old then. From that experience (and other reasons of course), I never shun a fellow Christian regardless of what the WTS says.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)